“Our characters are battling against the enormity of the city, looking for agency and to make their mark. Each has their tactic: in the case of Mr. X, it is competing for any victory going, however miniscule. In the case of The Mademoiselle, selling public sculptures for scrap metal and replacing them with devotional monuments to her beloved Assistant Pam. In the case of Pam, seducing and controlling people, selling them if necessary too”.
With elements of neo-noir and mystery, Cold Blow Lane is described as a narrative film that meets art piece and also stars another local actor, Birmingham-born Adam El Hagar (who has featured in Peaky Blinders and Catherine the Great. The film’s producer, Lorna Nickson Brown is also a local filmmaker and hails from Cotteridge, Birmingham.
“However, our main character – Mary Henry - is named after a ghost, and chooses passivity as a means of survival, disappearing into crowds and around corners, flight rather than fight. It’s a successful tactic until she’s baited into going toe to toe with Pam.
“There’s a lot of noise in ‘Cold Blow Lane’, a lot of dead ends, farcical noir subplots, creeps in basements and a nun on a bicycle. There’s a lot of places and faces that blur in and out of meaning, a lot of distractions. I hope the audience can look through them, see the predicaments, wonder how we can turn a new leaf”.
Follow the progress of the production on the links and watch the full trailer below:
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6576114/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt
Official website: https://coldblowlanemovie.com