In addition to the trailer, their crowdfunding campaign goes live on Monday 15th March 2021 in the morning at 09.00am. This will run for 4 weeks and the production is looking to make available reward's available.
Dependant on people's donations, some of the rewards are of limited in number, so the production are asking people to get in quick.
More information will go here live on March 15th
The donation rewards include:
£10 Shout out on Social Media (Unlimited)
£15 Personalised Thank you letter from the director + shout out on social media (Unlimited)
£20 Name in films credits as a backer + shout out on social media Unlimited
£30 Personal video thank you message from a cast member (David, Becki, Holly) + name in credits + shout out on social media (10)
£50 Script signed by the director + name in credits + shout out on social media (10)
£60 A2 Poster signed by the director + name in credits + shout out on social media (10)
£75 Mini Bundle: Shout out on social media, personalised thank you letter from the director, name in credits, personal video message from cast member, signed script by the director (5)
£100 Photo book of behind the scenes photos signed by the director + name in credits + Shout out on social media (5)
£150 Mega Bundle: Shout out on social media, personalised thank you letter, name in credits, personal video message from cast member, signed script, signed poster (3)
£250 Time Travel Device (de-activated) in display case + name in credits + shout out on social media (1)
£500 Executive Producer Credit + shout out on social media (1)